Gim Yong

Software Engineer



With nearly a decade of experience in web development across a range of industries, including job portals, logistics, e-commerce, medical platforms, digital advertising, and social media, I am a highly-skilled Full Stack Developer. I am proficient in PHP, Node.js, React, and Typescript. I also adept at designing and developing robust and scalable web applications, and has a strong knowledge of various web technologies, frameworks, and programming languages. I am a quick learner who stays up-to-date with industry trends and advancements. Throughout my career, I have successfully developed numerous web applications, ranging from simple websites to complex enterprise-level solutions. My expertise spans front-end and back-end development, database management, and server-side scripting, and I am committed to delivering high-quality code within project deadlines.


Programming languages

PHP, JavaScript, Node.js, TypeScript


React, Express.js, Laravel, nestJs


Scrum, Agile


RDS, EC2, Redshift, Cloudwatch, Elastic Beanstalk, DynamoDb, Lambda, S3, ECS


Diploma in Game Technology

CGPA 3.02

Degree in Computing Studies

First Class Honor


Mandarin, English, Malay


Havence, 2023 - Present - Lead Developer

Website -


- Research and develop an authorization microservice with DynamoDB and NextJS

- Deliver enhancements, features and bug fixes for the existing system

- Improve code readability and code quality

- Plan project requirements and execute

- Provide code review for junior level and peer level


Tech stack: PHP, AWS, Laravel, React, Node.js, VueJS

ORA group, 2021 - 2023 - Senior Software Engineer

Website -


- Provide support and guidance to the team which consist of 6 persons

- Work in a hyper-growth phase telehealth startup

- Manage task assignments for freelancers to meet project's timeline

- Provide peer-level code review

- Provide tech support

- Plan small projects from task prioritizing, solution brainstorming and implementation

- Setup and execute deployments with CircleCi/Github action

- Implement new features and enhancements across backend (eg: microservices, monolith legacy system) and frontend (React and Vue)

- Work on technical documentation


- Implemented Buy Now Pay Layer (Atome) payment option in the backend system

- Implemented custom useful features in the CMS (Eg: schedule consultation, order filter, report export, slack notification)

- Implemented server downtime alarms with Uptime Robot

- Troubleshooted and reduced the stripe webhook error rate successfully from 20% to less than 1%

- Implement the observer pattern (Laravel Jobs, Laravel Events) to the legacy system across 3rd party integrations and monitor thru Laravel Horizon

- Implement stripe 3ds authentication

- Set up necessary AWS resources for brand launches and country launches

- Impleemnt SNS events from various order flows. Eg: order created, order paid, appointment booked, etc

- Integrate with transactional mailgun email API

- Integrate with third party EMR (Remedi & Plato) system, Eg: patient registration, patient update

- Transition the legacy system to microservices

- Migrate the reconsultation from Remedi to Plato

Tech stack: PHP, AWS, Laravel, Vue, Typescript, Nodejs, React

Food Market Hub, 2020 - Senior Software Engineer


- Work with a scrum team and deliver modules in backend and frontend for the procurement and inventory system

- Provide peer-level code review


- Introduced the unit tests to the team and enforced as part of the definition of done

- Created an auto-deployment pipeline for QA environment with Github workflow action

- Implemented a security authorization for API resources checking

- Integrated with Stripe Payout API for allowing vendors getting paid in the system

Tech stack: PHP, Laravel, Vue

Monitor ERP System, 2019 - Software Developer


- Work with a team and deliver web modules

- Generate reports with SQL queries


- Built a web app which allowed user to customize a presentation of web report

- Built a purchase requisition web app

- Build a simple web app for allowing user to manage stock inventory and integrated with the existing ERP

Tech stack: .NET Framework, C#, Vue, React

Kerry Logistic, 2018 - Angular Developer


- implement features in the logistic booking system

- implement RESTful API


- Implemented an interactive dashboard for visualizing estimated shipment volumes which delivered in certain timeframes

- Integrated with a third party GPS API and stored the GPS logs in a database

- Set up a CI/CD pipeline with Jenkin

- Built a mobile app which user could visualize the shipment volumes in chart presentation

- Integrated with Baidu map API and Google Map API for mapping the waypoints of truck drivers

Tech stack: .NET Framework, C#, AngularJS, AWS

JobStreet, 2014 - Software Engineer, Executive Level 2


- work in a scrum team

- develop modules of frontend and backend

- review peer level's code

- pair with QA and write test cases


- Converted non-responsive web pages to responsive by using Bootstrap

- Integrated with Facebook API for getting friend list and where are they working at. User can ask for a job referral thru the Messenger API.

- Preprocessed raw data stored in csv and stored them into a NoSQL database

- Implemented a monitor tool of indexing user activity logs and provided data visualization with ELK setup

- Enhance job search with related job suggestion by analysing the relevant keywords

Tech stack: PHP, jQuery, Node.js, JavaScript, Bootstrap 3, AWS, ELK, Laravel

SearchNEasy, 2013 - intern


- design and develop web modules for the existing CMS


- created a comment module

- created a user role management for admin

- created a drag-and-drop feature for allowing admin to customize setting

Tech stack: PHP, jQuery, JavaScript

iCloud System, 2012 - intern


- design and develop websites


Tech stack: jQuery, JavaScript

Freelance Experiences

Arrivo, 2023 - Present


Website -

- Integrate with 6 types of payment gateway for payment event (Stripe, Airwallex, Payex, Chip, Senangpay, Billplz)

- Deliver financial modules (Reconciliation, Refund, Commission)

- Deliver backend modules for the learning platform

Tech stack: Node.js, ExpressJs

Tacklit (mental health service SaaS), 2023 - 2023


Website -

- Implement a care plan mockup for allowing clinician creating appointments with patients

- Improve onboarding experience by adding email/sms notification

Tech stack: Node.js, React

Cherish (social network for art creators), 2022 - 2023


Website -

- Implement user blocking feature

- Implement unit tests with jest

- Implement rate limit to graphql request

- Integrate with Stripe for payment

Tech stack: Node.js, nestJs, graphql, prisma, TypeScript

Contente (Social media but for chiropractors), 2021 - Present


Website -

- Implementd segment event tracking

- Setup CI/CD pipeline with Github Action

- Created charts for visualizing a business performance

- Preprocessed data in cronjobs and thne utilized it for data visualization for understanding the leads

- Implement media upload and text upload with microservices and sns. Eg: Push a notification to asset service for associating a media to a post

- Implement a wysiwyg editor

Tech stack: Node.js, React, TypeScript, JavaScript, AWS

ORA group (Pharmaceutical e-Commerce), 2021


- Implemented a discount module in the checkout

- Integrated with 3rd party webhook (Zapier, Insider, Slack, Klaviyo) in various of order events

- Set up web servers wtih AWS Elastic Beanstalk

- Enhanced the questionnaire by saving answers one by one instead of all at once

Tech stack: PHP, Vue, Laravel, AWS

Intrinsik (Medical SaaS platform for orthopedics & dental), 2021


- Increased the test coverage by implementing test cases and also refactor the codebase along

Tech stack: Node.js, JavaScript, ExpressJs

GrubLokal (Food marketplace), 2020


Website -

- It was a marketplace where seller can post food and connect with buyer. There was a page for admin to approving or rejecting posts.

Tech stack: PHP, Laravel, Vue

Dropee (B2B e-Commerce), 2020


- Created an access control list module - it allowed management role to control what access can grant to a user by different domain

- Created a CMS module - it allowed management role to create new custom pages with content and metadata

- Created an user management - it allowed supplier role to manage user in different domains

Tech stack: PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, jQuery

metaproperty (Property site), 2019


Website -

- It is a property site which allows sellers to post a property for sell or for rent. Agents who see posts interesting can advertise further and impose commission later on.

Tech stack: PHP, Laravel, jQuery, JavaScript

ridegogoapp (Rides marketplace), 2018


- Built a platform which allows user to post ride sharing post. It has a simple post management and admin could create posts.

Tech stack: PHP, Laravel, React

IPon9 (Trademark registration system), 2016


- Built a system which allows user to manage the trademark registration

Tech stack: PHP, Laravel, jQuery

Copyright © 2023 by Gim Yong